Since the dawn of time, farmers have known the fertilizing power of urine. It has proven fertilization potential in the same way as animal urine which is already used by farmers.
Urine is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the NPK triptych essential for the fertilization of soils and crops.
It therefore represents a real alternative to chemical fertilizers, based on ore extraction and the oil industry.
But the nitrogen and micro-pollutant content in the urine nevertheless poses problems for the development of algae and the feminization of fish.
Each year in France 30 billion liters of human urine are unused. 200 billion liters of contaminated drinking water for its evacuation. Recycling human urine would reduce the production and use of commercial fertilizers.
Some waterless toilet systems separately collect excreta (then easier to dehydrate) and urine (which can be used as liquid fertilizer).
The use of urine as a fertilizer is already widespread in China, Africa, Sweden, and elsewhere.
Smart gardeners know it: This free real powdered urine fertilizer is affordable, at a ratio of one liter of urine to 10 liters of water.
But overall, with us, the current disposal system, mostly via the main sewer, is problematic for wastewater treatment plants and more generally concerns the sustainable management of water resources.
Toopi's concept is to collect human urine from analysis laboratories, hospitals and dry toilets used during public events. Not only do we help companies to treat this waste, but we can add value to it by creating an economical, clean and efficient product! "
The solution obtained then becomes a biological fertilizer, a deodorized, hygienized and stabilized “biostimulant”. " Says Michael Roes, its creator.
The Langon micro-enterprise offers virtuous recycling, with
-a separate collection of human urine from festivals, analysis laboratories, and communities
-the transformation via a proprietary biological process to stabilize and cleanse the urine and enrich it in microorganisms.
-a recovery with a 100% organic fertilizer marketed to agricultural cooperatives and organic fertilizer manufacturers
After tests on cereals in 2018, Toopi will carry out tests on the vines in 2019. This year, the wine will have a beautiful color… and underpants.
Toopi's 3 partners, Michael Roes, Mathieu Préel and Pierre Huguier, hope to raise funds to accelerate the development of their business. And they don't discount pissing in a violin ...
Selling a product that costs nothing to produce and little to process should attract investors.
Human urine is naturally rich in nitrogen . It can also be used to correct a nitrogen hunger. To be precise, urine contains urea which is transformed by reduction into ammoniacal gas NH3 (that's the smell!). The latter can, depending on the temperature and the biology of the soil, be reduced again to ammonium NH4 +, which is good; or oxidize to nitrate NO3-, which is less well ... But these two chemical compounds can be directly assimilated by the roots of plants. They also enter what is called the nitrogen cycle.
Urine also contains phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and various other trace elements .
The composition differs from the diet of the person : the nitrogen content oscillates between 3 and 6 g / liter while for phosphorus and potassium, it is around 1 g / liter on average.
All this makes urine a balanced and directly assimilable fertilizer for plants.
But, like everything, you have to use it well!